
Most people now are overwhelmed with stress, lack of clarity, lack of purpose and a lack of focus. We are distracted and often overwhelmed. Many are simply struggling to survive, let alone succeed, and to overcome the myriad of new challenges that present themselves in the modern day.

Now, more than ever, it is necessary to embrace the path of learning and development so as to become capable and empowered in managing the unique circumstances of this age.

If we fail to actively, consciously and intentionally engage and embrace the path of personal growth and evolution, we will suffer as a result of our lack of knowledge.

Yet if we seek out the necessary knowledge and support so as to awaken to our greatest possibilities, not only will we learn how to succeed in all domains of our lives and get the results we know are possible, but we will also advance and evolve spiritually best preparing and positioning us for success in the life beyond.

About Me

My name is Emil Ihsan-Alexander Torabi, however I normally simply go by Ihsan.

I am a personal growth and spiritual development coach and trainer. I specialize in integrating classical spiritual principles with current age necessities to support you in synthesizing success in all domains of life and living based in an approach and methodology that is designed to lead to prosperity both in this life and the next.

It is my goal to help you awaken to your highest potential and your most noble possibility, ultimately fulfilling your divine purpose of awakening to and living in spiritual excellence so as to attain to both success and the divine pleasure of God.

I believe you were created with unique, sacred and divine purpose and potential, and it’s time to help awaken to it.

I support you towards this goal with leading-edge digital courses and programs, as well as by making personal coaching available on a limited basis for those who seek it.

Courses and Programs

To make learning and development as easy and accessible as possible, I have created the Spiritual Excellence Program, a repository of leading-edge online courses and digital programs.

Therein, you will find educational courses and programs that are designed to help you experience life to its fullest and that will support you in awakening to your divine destiny and potential while concurrently growing and developing the state of your soul for the life beyond.

To explore the current offering of courses and programs, as well as to get free and instant access to a multimedia mini-course that will introduce you to the Spiritual Excellence Program, please use the link below.

Personal Coaching

For those who seek and require it, I am making Personal Coaching available on a limited basis so as to be able to support you directly and one-on-one.

With Personal Coaching, you will have the opportunity to work with me in a customized program specifically designed to meet your personal goals and support you in reaching the next level in your personal growth and spiritual development while simultaneously drawing nearer unto the Divine Presence of the Eternal through the transcendence of the self.

By working with a coach, you will develop a far greater level of clarity and be able to make accelerated progress towards your goals by moving past limiting beliefs, blindspots and internal barriers that otherwise hold you back and keep you stuck.

If you are committed to living life fully and wholly, and to doing the work necessary to create real and rewarding change, then I look forward to working with you, availability permitting.

Please use the link below to learn more about Personal Coaching and the options available.

About This Site

This site is not only my personal blog, but it is also the repository of all of the public content that I produce.

Herein you will find the latest articles, vlogs and podcasts. These resources are produced and made available entirely free of charge, and I pray that you find within them material that speaks to you, and that makes a positive impact in your life.

To stay up to date with the latest posts and content, please make sure you’ve subscribed to the Spiritual Excellence Newsletter through which I stay in touch with you directly and keep you informed of new releases, course offerings and relevant information.

No Advertisements

  • No ads.
  • No popups.
  • No nonsense.

I do not believe in the modern marketing and advertising model, which I find to be ultimately abusive and part of a culture of consumption that diminishes consciousness and reduces human beings to but consumers, the sole purpose of whom then being but to purchase products and commodities they likely do not need, and which are not created and designed to serve a greater purpose.

Such a model leads to the worship of profit by elevating it above and beyond purpose, and it results in the creation of products and services with the sole purpose of selling. This is not good for humanity at large nor for the planet.

Rather, I believe in natural, organic and simple means of marking, and prefer to educate and connect, only providing and presenting products and programs I feel can actually make a qualitative difference in the lives of people by seeking to operate in alignment with divine will.

Hence, you will not find on this site nor in any of the resources I create, to the degree which I have control over the matter, any advertising.

Rather than generate revenue by selling your attention to advertisers, I believe creators and producers should be directly supported by an audience that values and benefits form their products and services.

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