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My son appeared to be affected a bit with an issue of how we was being perceived at school. Given that children, particularly when they become teenagers tend to be greatly affected by their perception of the perception of their peers (he just turned 13), I took a few moments to discuss with him a principle that I call the power of framing.

The Power of Framing

The power of framing is a concept I cover in detail in the Eternal Warrior Way Program, and it basically states that we have the ability to control the narrative in our heads.

All too often, we allow unconscious and conditioned thinking and beliefs to govern and guide our perception. Not only does this typically result in distorted and innacurate perceptions of reality, it also greatly disempowers us and conditions us to be dependent on external factors that we allow to determine how we think and feel.

By learning to become aware of the narrative in our heads, we regain control over the ability to consciously and intentionally rescript the story we are telling ourselves, and to do so in a way that is more in alignment with truth, and that empowers us.

Events and circumstances in and of themselves are meaningless, meaning that they do not possess inherent meaning. Yet due to conditioning and the ego-structure of the mind, we tend to personalize everything, and often with a negative and self-deprecating bias. We need not operate from such an unconscious operating system.

To be more effective, successful and happy, it is essential that we learn how to regain control over our own mind and to think constructively, intentionally and positively.

In this short video, I discuss the importance of learning how to use the power of framing to control the narrative of our experiences and circumstances so as to become independent and empowered rather than dependent and disempowered, the importance of discipline as the path to freedom, the necessity of overcoming the gravity of the self, spirituality as the means for developing maturity, the power of choice, the miracles of Jesus (as) and the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, the transcendence of the limitations of the world of form and density, how we oppress ourselves with victim consciousness, learning how to master the law of attraction, how to increasingly experience happiness, the middle way in spiritual development and the importance of balance, the Universe as a mirror to show us ourselves and our choices, and much more.

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