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The great messengers and prophets of God have ever warned us of placing our hopes, dreams and aspirations in that which is fundamentally false, and that doing so will inevitably lead to suffering and sorrow.

Unfortunately, common culture and conditioning now prime and predispose us to sadness, grief and unhappiness by leading us to believe that happiness and fulfillment are to be found in the world of form, a belief that is at utter contradiction with the wisdom, guidance, teachings and path of the prophets and messengers of the Divine.

If we fall prey to the pervasive paradigm that happiness, wholeness and completion are to be found in the world, we will without doubt be led into suffering and sorrow, and ultimately into depression and despondency.

Yet if we remember the way and wisdom of the guided that the world is not our permanent abode and that true happiness and success are experienced and attained by living with excellence while continually developing a relationship and connection with that which is Real and Eternal, we will find the fulfillment we seek.

The World: Friend or Foe

When we unconsciously follow common cultural and social conditioning, we will without doubt experience great suffering as a result of disappointment and betrayal.

Yet if we remember that the world is fundamentally false and instead attach and anchor ourselves to that which is Real, our hearts and souls will be better protected from and prepared for the pain that arises out of loss.

In contrast with the Universe, which is our Ally, the world in reality is not our friend and in fact constitutes one of the four enemies we have been warned to protect ourselves from.

Jesus (as) equated investing one’s light, life and love in the world, or ad-dunya, as building one’s house “upon the sand,” a foundation which is by nature fickle, unreliable and undependendable, and that will inevitably lead to ruin.

Everyone therefore who hears these words of mine and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on a rock. The rain came down, the floods came, the winds blew and beat upon that house; yet it did not fall, for it was founded upon the rock.

Everyone who hears these words of mine yet does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house upon the sand. The rain came down, the floods came, the winds blew and beat upon that house; and it fell, and great was its fall.

Jesus (as) (Matthew 7:24-27)

In this beautiful parable, the great messenger and prophet of God, Jesus (as) advises and encourages the believer to “build his house” upon solid and stable “rock,” a reference to aligning one’s heart and connecting with the Divine Presence of God rather than the ephemeral world of form, and that such a foundation will withstand the trials and tribulations of the superficial world.

When we follow such divine guidance and wisdom, we will find ourselves less vulnerable to the suffering and sorrow that arises from investing ourselves emotionally in that which is by nature unreliable and impermanent.

To your divine and eternal success.

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9 Responses

  1. Wisdom of the ages which we need to remind ourselves frequently.
    The perpetual demands of daily life make you forget this.
    So, good timely reminder.
    Peace be upon you

    1. Peace and light be with you as well, Riaz. Thank you, and may we all continue to be firmly guided upon the straight path. To your divine and eternal success.

    1. Allahumma ameen, and thank you as well, Mahbuba. Allah Almighty’s divine peace, protection and support be with you and your loved ones always.

  2. Always wonder full to hear your voice, look into your eyes, and feel the affirmation, and wisdom of your messages…🙏🏻🌹

    You are a safety net… a soft shoulder… a strong hand, and a good leader O prince, and we love 💚You

  3. Hi Ihsan,
    I am so happy to hear your podcast and video´s. You are such an inspiration for me. I really love the way you share your knowledge with us. You represent the Islam in a loving way that everybody who listen to you wants to know more about the Islam (that applies for me) Thank you so much for your work.
    Is your site under construction? And what about your meditation app?

    Thank you

    1. Peace and light, Latifa. Thank you for your message, much appreciated. Yes, we are have been in the (very long) process of consolidating all content to a single site » BorderPoint Education. With Allah Almighty’s divine light and will, we look forward to seeing you there. To your divine and eternal success.

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